How to keep going when you feel like you're not going anywhere...

How to keep going when you feel like giving up.

Today I  want to talk to you about getting back into new motivation after the summer and how to keep going when you feel like giving up. Whether its fitness, running, surfing, swimming, business, cretaivity anything that you’ve really wanted to get more involved with but finding it hard to keep motivated. I have some top tips for you to help.

  1. What is your why? Connecting to your emotional driver or the reason why you are committing to something is super important. It means the goal is yours and it means something to you. If we commit to things because we think we should do it or we’ll look good if we do, or we do it for external validation then the goal becomes a lot harder to achieve. It becomes something our ego wants instead of true self. Its not sustainable and we loose steam pretty quickly. So firstly ask yourself what is it you want to achieve? Getting fitter, riding bigger waves, running a marathon? And then ask yourself these questions you can pause the vid and write them down if it helps. why is this goal so important to me? What is it going to mean when i achieve it, what will be different about my life when I'm committing to it?

  2. Use affirmations to remind yourself how awesome you are and stick them round the house where you see them all the time like on the mirror on the fridge on the door. I am awesome, I am strong, I am powerful, I never give up.

  3. As women we go through cycles every month which make us more motivated and energised at certain points and less at others. use a tracker app to follow your cycle so you can be more aware of the times in the month you need to slow down and the times you can really push that cardio, momentum, creativity. Speak to a PT or women homornal specialist to understand how your exercise plan can work around your hormones and cycle. Don’t feel deflated you can’t keep up the same momentum all month. It’s better to work with your body than against it.

  4. What matters the most is the work you are putting in not the end result. If you are committing to yourself you are saying I am worth the time., I am worth the effort, I am worth the love. Raising your level of love and respect for yourself is THE most beneficial and important thing to come out of working towards any goal

  5. Every day you have choices. You can choose to step out your comfort zone or you can choose to stay on the easy path. Know that your brain doesn't know what is good or bad it just knows the thing you think the most. So if you really truly want to change your lifestyle you have to do the work. Face the resistance of your brain telling you, you deserve a lie in, its raining don't go today, you're not fit enough, you don't have the right trainers. Fight it and do it anyway. The more you resist the old way of thinking, the more you rewire and rep gramme your brain to create different more positive more motivated behaviour.

  6. Your dreams matter but you’re the one that is going to need to make them happen

  7. Stop waiting for permission, you just need to push yourself. You will fail and it will be hard but if you truly want to feel differently and make a change then you can push through and you will feel a shift on the other side.

  8. Heres the thing, no one is coming to tell you to get out of bed, no one is coming to tell you to stop scrolling through Instagram, no one is telling you to put your trainers on and get out the door. It will always be up to you, whether you ask for help, its up to you. Ultimately your success or your failure is up to you. Every day ask yourself is this decision moving closer or further away from my dream?

So what are you doing today that is going to take you one step closer to your dream?

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